
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When the Towers Fell

Summary of: When the Towers Fell
By Emmanuel Perry

The author David Remnick, starts by talking about a boat accident in 1904 about the S.S General Slocum, which burned and killed hundreds of people. However, as the years went on, this incident faded from local memory. Then on September 11, 2001 a great catastrophe happened.  Islamic terrorists flew into the twin towers, causing hours of pain, fear, and suffering. This incident outshines the General Slocum by a mile, creating a decade of insecurity and the rumors of more terrorist activity among the civilians. As the decade came to an end, news broadcasts claiming Osama Bin Laden’s death appeared all over America. The uneasiness about terrorism eased slightly as the days drew on. David ends on the note that we should still remember 9/11 not as a tragic accident, but a showing of brave men and women struggled to survive and rescue others in the face of death.  

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